

This time company is providing herbal beauty products. Which are suitable to all age groups from 1 year to the elders . They are safe, full of natural ingredients ,chemical free , totally reliable, effective and are easy on pocket.

Our products are sold under money back guarantee

Cleansing Cake

first face pack of the world in the cake form with unique applying method. It is very simple in use, Just open and apply like soap. Cleansing cake removes the darkness of skin, protect skin from sunburns , it is antiseptic may also be used as an after shave.

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Pimple Cure Powder

If nothing benefits you in your acne and pimple problem,then use AEHERBO PIMPLE CURE POWDER. It is very useful in pimple and acne, makes skin fair and equally useful for dry and oily skin.

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Herbal Scrub (Ubtan)

Frist of its kind, made from herbal scrubbing agents,removes darkness, patches, spots and makes skin glow.it helps in removing superfluous hair from the face and body . you can use it on the body of small children too.

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Liquid Moisturizer

First moisturizer of the world in liquid form.it is non sticky, liquid like pure water, fully absorbing by skin, gives inner nourishment.reduces dryness makes skin supple and shiny.useful for dry lips and cracked heels.protects skin from sun burns.helpful in removing skin patches.equilly useful in hot and cold weather.

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